Gloucester Yoga News

May 5, 2023 - Let the Good Karma Flow & the Bullets STOP!

Effective June 1st I will teach Thursday Chair Yoga and Saturday Vinyasa virtually from home.  You will no longer need to purchase a membership to tune in virtually.  These two classes are free as a practice of karma yoga.  However, I ask that you keep positive karma flowing and donate to a non-profit entity geared towards ending gun violence. 


I believe the most important Yama (guides for right-living) is Ahimsa.  The word Ahimsa may not have the same recognition as non-harming or non-violence and it is similar to words most of us heard since our youth “thou shalt not kill”.  In addition, Ahimsa also asks that you look at where you can offer more kindness and compassion. 


Living your yoga may be uncomfortable at times (I’m talking emotionally here) but we need to confront life’s wrongs.  I shy away from the news as each time I see the pain and suffering surrounding us my heart breaks a little more.  Knowing that gun violence has become the leading cause of death among Americans under age 18 is unacceptable. 


There are so many worthwhile causes to support that promote non-violence, kindness and compassion.  The organization I have chosen to promote is Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.  My intention is that the money you would have paid to take classes ends up doing some good in pursuit of gun violence prevention. 


Brady United has created a donation link specific to Gloucester Yoga.  In a few weeks the website will be revised to include this link.   You can make donations weekly, monthly, yearly – whatever works for you.  The Brady Center will be able to tell us the total amount given.  They do not share individual gifts for privacy reasons.   


In reality we may never see a violent free society in our lifetime, but while we are here, let’s give it our all and do what we can right here, right now.  Yoga has taught me to live my truth and I will continue to do so. 



February 8, 2023 - Studio Closure May 15th

This may not come as a surprise to many of you but after a great amount of soul searching and contemplation, I have decided to close the studio in mid-May.  Since opening in 2016, this journey has enriched my life.  I have learned so much from you.  Each one of you that took a step into Gloucester Yoga and became part of its community have left an indelible positive imprint on my heart that I will carry forward.  

My intent was to build the “business” and then sell to capable hands for continuation of this special meeting place for yogis.  However, the on/off closure over the past 3 years reduced membership significantly and it hasn’t recovered.  Furthermore, at this point in my life, I want to ease up on my responsibilities dictated by owning and managing the studio.  After closure, I plan to continue teaching Thursday Chair Yoga and Saturday Vinyasa virtually from home.  

For those of you that practice at the studio on a regular basis, I will truly miss interacting with you in person.  I know our paths will cross again and I am very optimistic that another special meeting place will surface.  

There are more than 3 months remaining and Gloucester Yoga’s talented and caring instructors are committed to the current schedule.   See you on your mat! 

peace & light, 


December 14, 2022 - Vaccination and Mask Policy

Although the COVID-19 virus is still a threat and no one can predict when a new strain might surface, it is under better control since the first cases were identified in America almost 3 years ago.   The COVID-19 community level is presently LOW.  The policy of requiring all instructors and students to be fully vaccinated is hereby rescinded.  Wear a mask or not based on your personal preference, informed by your personal level of risk.

The flu, COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are all highly contagious respiratory infections caused by viruses that threaten all of us.  Please stay home if you are not feeling well.  We are all in this together! 

February 26, 2022

In light of CDC’s new guidance of when to wear a mask, at this time masks are no longer required in the studio.  The Covid-19 Community Level for Gloucester County is presently LOW.  Therefore, wear a mask or not based on your personal preference, informed by your personal level of risk.  The vaccination policy is still in effect.  However, "by October 1, 2021" is obsolete.  Students and instructors must be fully vaccinated to practice yoga in the studio.   

August 30, 2021

As you are aware, the Covid-19 Delta Variant is spreading throughout this country to include Gloucester County.  In an attempt to do our part to limit transmission, Gloucester Yoga is implementing a policy wherein all students and instructors will need to be fully vaccinated by October 1, 2021, to practice yoga in the studio. Bring in your card or a photo of it on your mobile device so we can verify your vaccination status. In those rare cases where vaccination is not possible due to medical reasons, we will consider negative Covid test results as an alternative. In addition, we will continue to require that students wear a mask at all times in the studio until they are on their mat and ready to practice.

Since its inception Gloucester Yoga has embraced the concept of bringing health and wellness to this community and in the face of this terrible and persistent pandemic we feel obligated to tighten our policies toward that end. We also feel that taking these steps now may help to prevent a total shut down in the future.

At Gloucester Yoga we respect the concepts of personal choice and body autonomy and we accept that whether to get vaccinated or not is a personal choice. As explained in the yoga sutras, Ahimsa (non-harming) is a paramount tenet in yoga. It is about compassion for all living beings. We feel this revision to our polices upholds Ahimsa and will reduce the likelihood of Gloucester Yoga being part of the problem that we all face as a community.

In an effort to continue offering community access to a yoga practice, we have gone to considerable expense and effort to provide virtual classes to those who would like to continue their practice without vaccination or risking exposure to the disease (there are currently 5 virtual classes each week).

I am grateful that the studio has withstood the pandemic so far. I believe that the reason it has is due to the support we have received from the community and it would be wrong not to treat that same community with the respect it deserves. This policy is intended to serve that purpose.

May you be safe, healthy, and happy!

August 22, 2021

You are aware that Gloucester Yoga puts your safety and well-being at the forefront of operating the studio. To that end and because of the Delta variant, we find it necessary to tighten our current operating procedures. Therefore, masks are required in the studio until such time you are on your mat and ready to practice.

Also, in-studio class size is reduced to 6 attendees for concurrent classes and 8 attendees for in-studio only. We strongly encourage everyone (medically able) to get their vaccination and help end this tragic state of affairs. We are all in this together. Stay well!

June 22, 2021

Although yoga encourages dispassion towards life experiences in order to maintain one’s equanimity, there were many stressful moments transitioning to a new way of community yoga ~the ZOOM ROOM~. We were plagued by no internet, poor internet connectivity, and even zoom outages. There were occasions when the instructor looked like a player in the freeze-frame game. Rising above a love/hate relationship that developed with Cox was extremely challenging. But as the tiles popped up, and the swirling fans and fur babies came into sight a sigh of relief and anticipation was felt. Seeing the faces or respective tile of our community, provided a connection through our practice of yoga.

Romper Stomper Bomper Boo... as a dedicated yogi pointed out, joining the zoom room and hearing your name took you back to the day of Romper Room. Participants joined us and some still do from Indiana, South Carolina, Missouri, my niece from Wisconsin, and we even went international with Liz joining from Scotland. We have followed Cheryl to Puerto Rico and she continues to teach from there. Members were ever so patient with these challenges. We all rode the wave to a new way of practicing yoga in front of a video and discovering that yoga can be done without tunes to pave the way; tapping further into our breath or the sounds in our personal surroundings.

Last year In July we opened the studio for about 5 months on a limited basis, then closed. We re-opened last week just as Gloucester Yoga’s five-year anniversary arrives on June 25. There are changes; props available on a limited basis, on-line sales the norm, classes being Zoom only, in-studio only, and concurrent. You’ve heard these words before, “yoga is a personal practice” so choose what is best for you at this time.

Reflecting on what I wrote about the challenges and putting it into perspective, it becomes clear as day that these difficulties were so minor. The coronavirus pandemic has taken way too many people and most of us have been touched personally by such loss. Many people have struggled making ends meet and others have suffered from the effects of isolation. We have emerged from this pandemic enlightened with a better appreciation of the fragility of life and the connection we have to each other and to the universe as a whole.

As we venture out and adjust to physically holding space together, let’s take what we learned during this past year to help ourselves and others together in peace. Continue to share your patience, kindness, compassion and tolerance!

May 26, 2021

The studio will re-open for regular classes on June 14!  We will continue virtual classes and some virtual classes will be concurrent. There will also be several in-studio only classes as well. Two new teachers will join Gloucester Yoga. One to teach Power Flow in-studio on Sunday mornings and the other to start later in the summer.

To attend in-studio, you must reserve your spot through the membership management system, RhinoFit. Pre-registration will help us prepare for class and make it a better experience for you. We have emerged from this pandemic enlightened with a better appreciation of the fragility of life. Please know that we are committed to maintaining high hygiene standards and will continue to assess the environment to ensure you are safe within the confines of Gloucester Yoga. To this end, you are strongly encouraged to bring your personal mat and all props you will need for class. Limited props are available in the event you forget yours and for those attending from out of town.

March 17, 2021

Given the rate of vaccination, things look promising and a July 1st studio re-opening is within reach! As we get closer, we'll see what the restrictions are and what makes sense. Stay tuned.

December 12, 2020

Virginia has seen its coronavirus cases spike to an average of more than 3,700 new cases per day, up from the previous record of 1,200 daily in May. The positivity rate across the state is 11%, up from 7% about a month ago. My concern is for the health and well-being of instructors, students, and those they love.

After much contemplation, regularly scheduled in-studio classes are canceled until further notice. Virtual classes will be offered as scheduled and the studio will remain open for private sessions. This too shall pass!

September 1, 2020

During September Gloucester Yoga will be offering a free class at Woodville Park in Gloucester on Sundays from 9:30 to 10:30. This class will promote stability and flexibility of the body, self-awareness and clarity at the level of the mind, a sense of calm and balance at the level of the emotions, and overall wellness. This class links body movement with breath and ends with a period of relaxation.

The studio now has a HEPA filter air purifier which cleans the air every 30 minutes. According to the EPA air cleaning and filtration  can help reduce airborne contaminants, including particles containing viruses.

July 23, 2020

Gloucester Yoga is offering a six-week Virtual Yoga for Bone Health series through Zoom Tuesday mornings from August 11 to September 15. Class size will be limited to only seven participants to allow for meaningful feedback.

July 3, 2020

Spring has given many of us time to hunker down and focus on what’s right in front of us. With so many different living arrangements, we may have even found a new family - those that we are with and those we see on videoconferencing forums and social media. Since things are so uncertain regarding the spread of COVID-19 and keeping us all safe, the path forward is subject to change. Ahh, impermanence!

We will transition to concurrent online and in-person classes starting on July 25. This means that the instructor will be teaching virtually and in the studio to a limited number of practitioners (no more than 4) at the same time. However, chair yoga will be available virtually only. We will keep the current class schedule as is through August 31.   

Gloucester Yoga will be rolling out a new online studio management tool in the coming weeks. With this website you are able to reserve your spot for in-person classes, keep track of your class passes and attendance, and view your account history. RhinoFit works with any web browser on mobile or desktop devices.

Mat space must be reserved and there are no walk-ins. For your fellow yogi’s safety, masks must be worn until you are on your mat. You will need to bring your personal mat and all props (blankets, blocks, strap) as the studio’s props cannot be used at this time. The floor will be marked so you will know where to place your mat.

If you have a current punch pass or unlimited pass, your expiration date will be extended by 131 days (that’s how long we will have been closed). Punch passes and unlimited passes may be used for virtual classes as well. If you have a punch pass and would like to use that pass for virtual classes, please email the studio at least two hours in advance.

Remember, the one thing that is certain, impermanence - nothing remains the same. Embrace this time as an opportunity to practice, practice, practice! Thank you for choosing Gloucester Yoga to guide you in your yoga journey.

June 16, 2020

Although Virginia is in Phase 2 for reopening, which allows businesses to open at 30% capacity, I believe that at this time it is best to hold off from hosting in-person classes. The health and well-being of everyone at Gloucester Yoga is of utmost importance.

Gloucester Yoga will continue to offer online classes using Zoom for another 30-day period beginning June 24 through July 23.  We will continue to monitor the situation and determine when we can reopen. It is anticipated that when we reopen, in-studio participation will be limited and virtual classes will run in parallel.

Keep your practice going by purchasing your virtual class pass from our online store.

May 12, 2020

Currently, the studio will not reopen until at least June 23, however we have extended our Zoom class offerings through to June 23. Zoom class passes for another 30 days from May 25 through June 23. Purchase your virtual class pass from our online store.

April 5, 2020

We plan to remain closed through at least May 12. To help you continue your yoga practice through this trying time, Gloucester Yoga will be offering online classes using Zoom from April 13 to May 12. Purchase your virtual class pass from our online store.

March 29, 2020

We are actively monitoring the COVID-19 epidemic and remain committed to the health and safety of our students and instructors.  Federal guidelines recommend social distancing measures through April 30, so as of now, the studio will remain closed through April 30. We will continue to monitor the situation and will determine if we can reopen any sooner or if we need to extend the studio's closure.

March 14, 2020

After much thought and reflection I have decided to close the studio effective March 16 through March 31. We'll see how things progress with time and whether this can be shortened or should be extended. Although we have taken precautions to help maintain a safe environment, this does not address the fact that close contact between individuals is likely.

With this global pandemic and Virginia issuing a state of emergency due to COVID-19 I believe this to be the best course of action for ALL of us. This decision is also in keeping with Gloucester Yoga's mission to guide you in your practice of yoga for greater health, happiness, and well-being.

I will be extending unexpired passes for as many days as the studio is closed. These are trying times but it is comfort to know that we have our yoga practice to help us navigate through it. Stay safe.